I knew that my first year of teaching that I would catch every bacterial viral infectious disease my students' brought to my classroom. I'm just that kind of sicko, always have been....always will be.The first week of school I had to get a steroid shot and some serious antibiotics.
Two and a half weeks ago I had the most embarrassing moment of the year so far. I threw up in class! I was lecturing about cellular respiration...boring I know and it hit me. BANG out of no where I barfed. My students were for the most part helpful. One called the office to get a teacher down to watch them while I went to the nurse and another helped me to the nurse.
Thankfully this happened during the last period of the day on a Thursday. I though, well this is good, I will only miss one day of class and be back on Monday. WRONG! By Friday at noon I had full blown hives and horrible pain in my hands and feet. This was no stomach virus like I thought. The doctor told me it was "Fifths Disease," a virus usually small children get. When adults get the virus it affects their joints. By Friday night I couldn't even walk or use my hands and I itched like crazy.
I really thought that I would get over the virus quickly by Wednesday. Well, that's when the doctor said I could go back to work anyway. However, Wednesday morning I did get the stomach virus. My husband got it first and then me.
He went to work after only missing a day. I however ended up in the emergency room getting fluids. Again I remind you....I'm a sicko!
Needless to say I missed a whole week of work. I missed a whole week of instruction and I feel horrible. I tried to give work that would prepare them for when I return. I tried to do some front loading of vocabulary and reading. I also tried to assign enough work that it would keep them busy for 45 minutes a day. I have yet to return to my classroom (we get the whole week of Thanksgiving off) to see the notes from my sub. She has my number, so surly she would have called me if it got too bad!
One thing that I wasn't expecting from missing so much work was the guilt that I had/have. I know I will have to do some double time to make up the pace that I messed up and that will be harder on my students. I certainly don't want to let my students down. I think I will make it up to them by doing a fun lab!
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