So before I decided to go back to into the working world, I was a stay at home mom for 7 1/2 months. As the previous post stated I was sick for a full week and then our school is out the whole week of Thanksgiving (thank the Lord!). So now I have been off for over two weeks, at home with my baby girl. She also just recently turned one year old. And I don't wanna go back!
Sweet baby girl's one year picture |
Now don't get me wrong, I like my job and my students. However, I love my baby girl and being a stay at home mom. Needless to so there have been some tears shed today. I know that I really need to earn a paycheck for my family and I know there are certainly easier ways. I just can't see myself doing anything any differently with my life. I want to teach. I want to make a difference in students' lives.
I am however going to count down until Christmas or should I say Winter break. I have 15 days to be exact. I could not be more ready for a nice long break. A break from teaching and a break from school work myself. I wasn't quite expecting the stress that being a mom, a student and a teacher would bring on myself.
I just have to keep reminding myself of my count down....15 days....15 days....15 days!
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